姓名 | 张志良 | 性别 | 男 | 出生年月 | 1978.6 |
学历 | 博士 | 毕业时间 | 2012.7 | 专业 | 材料物理与化学 |
单位 | bat365在线登录入口,生物基材料与绿色造纸国家重点实验室 | 邮箱 | zhzhl@qlu.edu.cn | 通讯地址 | 山东省济南市长清区大学路3501号齐鲁工业大学 |
个人简历: 2012年7月,中国科学院化学研究所 获得博士学位 2004年7月-至今 齐鲁工业大学, 博士/教授 | |||||
研究方向: 1.纳米结构的可控合成、组装和应用,特别是金属纳米结构的合成和组装研究。 2.功能传感器的制备,主要涉及高林敏SERS和应变传感器构筑方面的研究。 3. 可穿戴电子、柔性印制电子、纸基功能材料的可控制备及其在光电器件中的应用研究。 | |||||
奖励和荣誉: 近几年主持和参与国家级、省部级课题10余项,在纳米结构的可控合成、功能化组装、可穿戴电子、纸基功能材料和高性能传感器构筑方面取得了一系列研究成果,在Advanced Materials, Chemical Communications,Journal of Materials Chemistry C和Applied Physics Letters等国际知名学术期刊上发表相关科研论文20余篇。2007年,获齐鲁工业大学优秀教学成果二等奖;2012,2013,2014和2017年 分获山东省高等学校优秀科研成果奖多项。 2017年 山东省高等学校优秀科研成果三等奖(首位) 2014年 山东省高等学校优秀科研成果一等奖(首位)。 2013年 山东省高等学校优秀科研成果三等奖(第二位)。 2012年 山东省高等学校优秀科研成果三等奖(第二位)。 | |||||
发表文章: 1. Feng Bai, Jinchen Dong, Jianbo Qu and Zhiliang Zhang*. Construction of flexible, transparent and mechanically robust SERS-active substrate with an efficient spin coating method for rapid in-situ target molecules detection, Nanotechnology, 32(2021) 385501. 2. Lingzi Zhang, Jun Liu, Guowei Zhou and Zhiliang Zhang*. Controllable In-Situ Growth of Silver Nanoparticles on Filter Paper for Flexible and Highly Sensitive SERS Sensors for Malachite Green Residue Detection. Nanomaterials, 10(2020) 826. 3. Jun Liu, Tiantian Si and Zhiliang Zhang*. Mussel-inspired immobilization of silver nanoparticles toward sponge for rapid swabbing extraction and SERS detection of trace inorganic explosives. Talanta, 204(2019) 189-97. 4. Zhiliang Zhang*, Tiantian Si and Jun Liu*. Controllable assembly of a hierarchical multiscale architecture based on silver nanoparticles grids/nanowires for flexible organic solar cells. Nanotechnology, 2018, 29, 415603. 5. Zhiliang Zhang*, Tiantian Si, Jun Liu, Kehui Han and Guowei Zhou*. Controllable synthesis of AgNWs@PDA@AgNPs core–shell nanocobs based on a mussel-inspired polydopamine for highly sensitive SERS detection.RSC Advances, 2018, 8, 27349–27358. 6. Zhiliang Zhang*, Tiantian Si, Controllable assembly of silver nanoparticles based on the coffee-ring effect for high-sensitivity flexible strain gauges. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical,2017, 264, 188–194. 7. Zhiliang Zhang* and Jun Liu. Interfacial adhesion enhancement of ink-jet printed transparent metallic grid electrodes induced by the coffee-ring effect. Journal of Materials Chemistry C,2016, 4, 4218-4225. 8. Zhiliang Zhang* and Weiyue Zhu. Controllable synthesis and sintering of silver nanoparticles for inkjet-printed flexible electronics. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2015,649, 687-693. 9. Zhiliang Zhang* and Weiyue Zhu. Controllable-density nanojunctions as SERS substrates for highly sensitive detection. Applied Surface Science, 2015. 333, 214-219. 10. Zhiliang Zhang* and Huayong Zhang. Controllable synthesis of silver nanoparticles in hyperbranched macromolecule templates for printed flexible electronics. RSC Advances, 2015. 5, 17931-17937. 11. Zhiliang Zhang* and Weiyue Zhu. Controllable Fabrication of a Flexible Transparent Metallic Grid Conductor Based on the Coffee Ring Effect. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2014, 2, 9587-9591. 12. Zhiliang Zhang, Xingye Zhang, Zhiqing Xin, Mengmeng Deng, Yongqiang Wen, and Yanlin Song*, Controlled Inkjetting of a Conductive Pattern of Silver Nanoparticles Based on the Coffee-Ring Effect. Advanced Materials, 2013, 25, 6714-6718. 13. Zhiliang Zhang*, Yongqiang Wen*, Dan Zhao, Xueji Zhang. Stable end-to-end assembly of gold nanorods directed by cyclic disulfide-modified DNA. Applied Physics Letters,2012,101(21), 213701. 14. Zhiliang Zhang*, Yongqiang Wen*.Controllable aggregates of silver nanoparticle induced by methanol for surface-enhanced Raman scattering. Applied Physics Letters, 2012, 101(17), 173109. 15. Zhiliang Zhang, Xingye Zhang, Zhiqing Xin, Mengmeng Deng,Yongqiang Wen and Yanlin Song*. Synthesis of monodisperse silver nanoparticles for ink-jet printed flexible electronics. Nanotechnology, 2011, 22(42), 425601. 16. Zhiliang Zhang, Xingye Zhang, Zhiqing Xin, Mengmeng Deng, Yongqiang Wen, Yanlin Song*. The synthesis of silver nanoparticles and its application in the ink-jet printing electrocircuits.Chemistry, 2011, 74(10), 874-880. 17. Zhiliang Zhang, Yongqiang Wen*, Ying Ma, Jia Luo, Lei Jiang, Yanlin Song*. Mixed DNA-functionalized nanoparticle probes for surface-enhanced Raman scattering-based multiplex DNA detection. Chemical Communications, 2011, 47(26), 7407-7409. 18. Zhiliang Zhang, Yongqiang Wen*,Ying Ma, Jia Luo, Xingye Zhang, Lei Jiang, Yanlin Song*. Enhanced nanoparticle-oligonucleotide conjugates for DNA nanomachine controlled surface-enhanced Raman scattering switch.Applied Physics Letters, 2011, 98(13), 133704.
专利:一种基于聚多巴胺核壳材料及其制备方法和应用, 201711448116.
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目前承担或参与项目: 1. 基于coffee-ring效应的银纳米粒子可控组装及其应变传感性能研究(21303091),国家自然科学基金; 2. 基于于价键拟合技术的材料表面化学组成与价态研究(020129081)企事业委托课题; 3. 基于聚多巴胺仿生修饰银纳米粒子的可控组装及其界面粘附机理研究(ZR2018MB017)山东省自然科学基金面上项目; 4. 基于咖啡环效应的高灵敏应变传感器的构筑及其性能研究(BS2013CL002)山东省优秀中青年科学家科研奖励基金; 5.玻璃纤维用磺酸盐型阴/非水性聚氨酯乳液的可控合成与性能开发(020129081)企事业委托课题;
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社会兼职:美国化学会(American Chemical Society)、英国皇家化学会(Royal Society of Chemistry)特约期刊审稿人 |